Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally Here at YWAM Eagle Rock

Hey everyone! So, I apologize in the almost 2 month hiatus from blogging. August and September became a little busier than I anticipated, but I was very blessed to meet with many of you during those months and to be able to hear what is going on in your lives.

A short update........I sold my car to a family friend in September, so that was a huge praise and one less thing to worry about before leaving for Denver. Also, for those of you that I did not get to see or talk to this summer, I know my outreach options for the second part of training. We have been given three choices: Mexico; Bogota, Colombia; and Ushuaia, Argentina. We were told to pray about it and to go where God is leading, and if He was not specific then to just choose. After praying about it, God is leading me to the Bogota, Colombia outreach.

Ok, now on to what you really want to read about. I made it to Denver early this afternoon, and was taken to the main campus in Arvada to check in and to meet my fellow students. After lunch and some paperwork we were then loaded into vans and taken up to Eagle Rock (the mountain campus) where I will be living the next three months. The girls are being housed in The Lodge which has 6 dorm rooms (4 student rooms and 2 staff rooms), an auditorium for worship, a men and women's bathroom, and a lounge area. Each student room has 7 girls per room, with 6 bunk beds in each room, so for the most part we each get our own bunk bed. I definitely will learn a lot about community! Our bathrooms are complete with 5 showers, 5 toilets and 6 sinks and are really nice. Each of us also get our own cubby in the bathroom to hold our toiletries. From 10pm to 7:45am we are allowed to utilize the men's bathroom as a second bathroom, which gives us amble space for 28 girls. The other three buildings on campus are the Big House, the Gym, and the Dining Hall. The guys are staying in the Big House which is across from our building and has the game room in the basement of it. Pictures will be posted soon.

Speaking of pictures, I have added a link on the right side of this page that says pictures and includes a picture of a sun. If you click on the picture of the sun it will take you to my pictures that you can look at. The pictures are in a public folder, so you do not need to log in to see them. Just realize though that when you click on it, it will redirect to a picasa web page, and away from the blog page. So, if you wanted to come back to the blog, you will have to pull the page up again. I am working on trying to get the pictures on the blog where you do not have to navigate away from it.

Ok, I will close for the first day, but I pray that you all have a blessed week, and know that I am praying for you.